BDC Breakdown: Streamlining Communication Between Departments and Customers

Having a BDC to handle your call volumes allows departments to handle the jobs they know how to do best. But sometimes, getting that information across to the right department can often feel like a game of telephone, with information getting lost between the BDC, service, and sales teams. So, how can dealerships make sure everyone is on the same page?

We reached out to one of our longtime DealerMine users to get an insider's perspective on how information flows through a dealership.

Breaking Down the Barriers

The problem isn't that dealerships lack communication tools—it’s that each department often has its own set of tools and priorities. This sometimes leads to some…creative processes in which communication can get shared.

Using an improperly defined workflow will often lead to errors. So how do you make sure departments are getting the information they need in a timely manner? Ideally, dealerships need customizable visibility that aligns with each role’s needs without creating extra hoops to jump through.

Creating a Unified Vision

Customizable features allow dealerships to adjust visibility settings based on roles. So, while a service manager might see different information than an advisor, dealerships can fine-tune access so that the right people see what they need to see.

Want your sales team to see how often a customer is visiting for service and how much they’re spending? With the right setup, a salesperson can easily access this data, giving them the perfect opportunity to engage the customer in a conversation about upgrading their vehicle.

Building a Cohesive Customer Experience

So, how can dealerships move beyond the communication silos? Here are a few tips:

Customize Roles and Permissions:
Take advantage of customizable visibility settings to ensure each department has access to the information they need. This eliminates the need for workarounds and keeps everyone informed.

Regular Interdepartmental Meetings:
Regular touchpoints between departments can go a long way in making sure everyone is aligned on customer interactions and dealership goals.

Invest in Tools that Integrate:
Tools like DealerMine allow for integration across departments. Make sure the systems you use are designed to support collaboration and provide transparency across teams.

Keep the Customer at the Center:
Your dealership exists to serve your customers. When internal communication is strong, the customer experience improves. Make sure every department knows the customer’s journey and works together to provide a seamless experience.

The Takeaway…

Communication is one of those things that sounds easy in theory but can be difficult in practice—especially in a busy dealership where service, sales, and BDC teams are juggling multiple tasks. The key to success is breaking down the silos and creating a system where information flows smoothly between departments. With the right tools and a focus on collaboration, dealerships can turn communication challenges into opportunities to provide the best customer experience.

So, next time you're in the thick of the daily dealership grind, take a step back and ask: is everyone in the loop? A little bit of fine-tuning in your communication flow could make all the difference.

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